Empowering you and your body to find common ground

Nurture your body-mind connection with weight-inclusive and trauma-informed virtual mental health therapy.

Diet culture and eating disorders can play mind games, filling our heads with untruths that keep us trapped in self-doubt and mental distress.

mental health therapist pennsylvania

Working with us means having a safe space to:

  • Processing feelings about diet culture BS
  • Build self-worth and self-esteem
  • Find liberation in your body, regardless of your size
  • Finally come home to your true self

Remember that eating disorders don't define your worth - your true value lies in your uniqueness, resilience, and the love and support you have to offer yourself and others.

Let's free up that mental real estate dedicated to shrinking yourself and start celebrating the fact that you're worthy of taking up space


We offer individualized therapy for mental health where we unpack your relationship with food and your body, debunk diet culture myths, and help you finally feel at peace with yourself.

Our therapist, Allison, loves creating a safe and collaborative space that honors and respects your individual journey in healing your relationship with food and body. 

If it sounds like you're picking up what we're putting down, here's what you can expect: 

  • individualized and collaborative treatment to meet your needs, in whichever stage of life you're in
  • unwavering support when the going gets tough
  • a gentle out-stretched hand that's ready to be your advocate in your recovery

Talk Therapy

Allison believes that therapy is a place that allows you to feel empowered and secure while exploring a path that may feel uncomfortable and scary at times. She prioritizes providing not only a physical space, but a mental space that allows you to explore the deeper parts of yourself. Your ability to look inward and seek out therapy is an act of vulnerability and kindness to yourself. 

Allison uses several modalities to adequately fit your needs from a trauma, social, and racial justice informed lens. Her primary therapeutic focus is utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT), and holistic approaches. In your work together, you'll dive deeper in exploring the nuances of being human, and together, you'll explore this very hard and brave healing journey. 

We know this feels daunting, but we've got your back. Through talk and/or art therapy services, you'll learn: 

eating disorder nutrition therapy services pennsylvania

how to tune into yourself and recognize your body's cues

eating disorder nutrition therapy services pennsylvania

tools that you can help you process past trauma in a safe space

eating disorder nutrition therapy services pennsylvania

resources for building self worth so you never feel alone

It's time to come home to yourself, and to finally be free from diet culture stress and the eating disorder's rules.

How it all works

1. Schedule your discovery call

Here we'll chat for 15 minutes about why you reached out and how we can best support you.

2. Schedule your first session

After your discovery call, your clinician will reach out to schedule your first session with them.

3. Complete intake forms

This only takes about 10-15 minutes long to help us learn more about you and get important information to get started.

4. Attend your first session

The first session will ask a lot of background questions - we can't wait to get to know you!

5. Attend follow-ups

The bulk of where the emotional work comes in. Session frequency is determined by what you and your clinician feel is best.

it's so nice to meet you

Meet your therapist

Hi! I’m Allison (she/her), a therapist and body liberation advocate.

I believe therapy is a safe and collaborative space that honors and respects you as a whole person. Therapy is a place that allows you to feel empowered and secure when exploring a path that may feel uncomfortable and scary at times.

Our hope is that your relationship with your mind and body becomes easier and freer, and you find your own soft place to land.

allison ludwig therapy

Pricing and Insurance Information

All mental health therapy services are self-pay.

We can provide you with a superbill if you would like to submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement.

Frequently asked questions

Ready to get started?

Schedule your discovery call today!

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