a soft place to land nutrition and therapy PA

Offering speaking engagement services and CEUs for clinicians

Reach out today to discuss how we can help you

Group Supervision

A supervision space for eating disorder dietitians and therapists, hosted by Sarah Herstich, LCSW at Reclaim Therapy and Megan Luybli, MS, RDN, LDN at A Soft Place to Land.

eating disorder nutrition therapy services pennsylvania

What We're Creating Together 

-Deep case consultations
-Raw professional vulnerability
-Interdisciplinary wisdom
-Healing for the healers
eating disorder nutrition therapy services pennsylvania

We Welcome Your Real Experiences

Bring Your:
-Medically complex cases
-Moments of clinical uncertainty
-Professional burnout
-Relational challenges
-Systemic frustrations
eating disorder nutrition therapy services pennsylvania

Our Foundational Commitments

We are: 
-Weight inclusive
-Harm reduction
-Radically collaborative

Because being a provider is beautiful, messy, and deeply human. 

The Details

  • 6 week group held on Wednesdays at 12pm-1pm.
  • Beginning on January 15, 2025 (1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19)
  • Group capped at 6 clinicians
  • Payment Options:
    • 1 Payment of $420
    • 2 payments monthly of $210
    • 3 payments monthly of $140

*equity pricing is available for BIPOC clinicians. Email megan@asoftplacetolandllc.com for more details


dietitian speaking servics pennsylvania

Speaking Requests

A Soft Place to Land collaborates with practitioners, schools, and businesses who share the drive to dismantle diet culture and/or who wish to advance their knowledge in eating disorder treatment, anti-fat bias, and trauma-informed care.

Possible speaking topics include:

  • Trauma informed care
  • Weight-inclusive eating disorder care
  • Body image care
  • LGTBQIA+ affirming care
  • Fat positive care

Continuing Education for Clinicians

"Making an Impact: How Dietitians Can Practice Through a Weight Inclusive Lens" is an online presentation (pending CEUs) that outlines the physiological and psychological effects of weight stigma, macro and microaggressions in healthcare towards those in fat bodies, how to incorporate trauma-informed care into your practice, and tangible ways to make your practice a safe space for all bodies.

This presentation is a good fit if you are an RD who wants to learn more about weight-inclusivity or already adopts weight-inclusive practices and wants a better understanding of how we, as RDs, can step out of our traditional "fix-it" mentality and into a trauma-informed counseling role.

dietitian CEUS
a soft place to land pics megan luybli

it's so nice to meet you

Hi, I'm Megan

As the Founder of A Soft Place to Land, I have a strong passion for connecting with others who are wanting to know more about weight inclusive care. From hosting lunch & learn hours at other therapy practices, to speaking at large events, to speaking with high school counselors, I'm here to share my passion for weight inclusive and trauma-informed care. 

If you are interested in learning more about what I can provide, reach out via the contact form! 

Copyright © 2025. A Soft Place to Land. All rights reserved.