Your healing journey is about

coming home to yourself

Virtual eating disorder nutrition counseling and therapy in Pennsylvania and surrounding areas.

you deserve to be seen

Unlearning diet culture & relearning body trust can be confusing and bring up big feelings.

In a world that tries to tell you there’s a right way to eat and a body type that is ideal, we are here to tell you that everyone’s relationship with food is different and that all bodies are good bodies.

But just saying that doesn’t take away the complexities of your food culture and your lived experience.

Whether you’re in recovery from an eating disorder or exploring a new relationship with food, everyone deserves a space that feels like no topics are off limits.

A space to test the waters of vulnerability, ask questions that you’re a little too nervous to Google, and have someone in your corner helping you sift through all the unhelpful narratives we are constantly bombarded with.

a soft place to land nutrition therapy pennsylvania

everyone deserves

a soft place to land

as they heal

How we can support you

All services are virtual

a soft place to land nutrition dietitian PA

Nutrition Therapy

Weight-inclusive nutrition therapy for eating disorders, chronic dieters and more.
nutrition services
therapist pennsylvania

Mental Health Therapy

Mental health therapy for those needing a collaborative approach to healing.
therapy services
clinician resources

For Clinicians

We are available for speaking engagements and offer continuing education credits.
clinician services
a soft place to land nutrition and therapy services pa

we will meet you where you are

Here's what you can expect

  • Trauma informed care
  • Weight-inclusive eating disorder care
  • Body image care
  • LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent affirming care
  • Fat positive care

it's so nice to meet you

Meet your team

Meet your weight inclusive, trauma informed recovery team: your dietitian/therapy combo that will support you through whichever journey you're on.

We love working with clients who struggle with their relationship with food and body by creating a compassionate space of curiosity to unpack big feelings.

We offer individualized nutrition therapy and mental health therapy for you to create the support system that you can thrive in.

megan luybli
a soft place to land nutrition pennsylvania jordyn
allison ludwig therapy

Awards and Accolades

How it all works

1. Schedule your discovery call

Here we'll chat for 15 minutes about why you reached out and how we can best support you.

2. Schedule your first session

After your discovery call, your clinician will reach out to schedule your first session with them.

3. Complete intake forms

This only takes about 10-15 minutes long to help us learn more about you and get important information to get started.

4. Attend your first session

The first session will ask a lot of background questions - we can't wait to get to know you!

5. Attend follow-ups

The bulk of where the emotional work comes in. Session frequency is determined by what you and your clinician feel is best.

Want a super cool freebie?

We have put together all of our favorite fat-positive podcasts, social media accounts, books, TV shows, and more just for you!

check out our blog

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